Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Spirit of the Youth Entrepreneur

I live in the GREAT city of Atlanta, and on countless occasions I have driven by young men on the corner selling bottled water or Gatorade. The first time I saw this I thought to myself, "This is really good that they are doing this. Making money the legal way", so I supported them. Then other days I saw the same thing on different corners with different young men. Every time I see this it makes me feel great to see all of these young men taking an entrepreneur approach, instead of taking the criminal approach. Here you have these young men from mostly poor areas and could easily fall into a life of crime, but instead they are choosing to go the route of a young legal business man.
            So I have made it my point that whenever I see them and I have money, I will always buy something to drink. Even if it cost me $5 per day I want to see them prosper. This reminds of this story of a young man from a low income area who is now a millionaire.  As a young kid this young entrepreneur started painting simple rocks and selling them door to door. People would buy these rocks because they thought what he was doing was honorable and cute. He saved enough money from selling these rocks an bought small candy vending machines, which he in turn saved money to purchase full sized vending machines. After making enough money from these machines, he started a web based company, which he turned around and sold it making him a millionaire by 18. This just goes to show that you can never underestimate the hustle of a young determined individual. Just because they are young doesn't mean that they don't have business sense. Since a young lad I have always been an entrepreneur. Raking leaves, shoveling snow, washing cars, delivering news papers, and by the time I was 21 I had my own pizza restaurant. Just recently I started working on an online Ecommerce business.  I decided to make my 18 year old brother, and another young man that is like family to me minority owners in the business. I didn't mind giving up percentages in my business because I believe it's necessary for them to become entrepreneurs.
                This will give them the skills they need to start their own business if they so choose. Also once the business is successful it will give them a great start financially. I said all that to say this. If you give a man fish he could eat for a day, but if you teach him how to fish he can eat for a lifetime. There are so many young individuals you may know in your neighborhood, schools, churches, family, that you can help become entrepreneurs if they so choose to do so. You could be helping to create the next Ted Turner, or Sam Walton, or Tyler Perry, all you have to do is reach out.

Here is my final thought: If you are ever driving or walking around and you see a young individual selling beverages, has a lemonade stand, selling cookies, or anything else, I ask that you please support them. You would rather them sell you goods legally, rather then them breaking into your house and selling your things illegally. 

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